Pharmacy First Service

Speak to an NHS pharmacist online for free. Get a prescription issued and delivered to your door the same day – or within 24 hours.

Got a health worry? We offer a range of NHS healthcare services especially for you. From free remote pharmacist consultations to prescriptions delivered to your door within 24 hours – our pharmacists are on hand to help you get access to the care you need, wherever you are.

  • Sinusitis
  • Sore throat
  • Infected insect bites
  • Shingles
  • Impetigo
  • Urinary Tract Infections in women

Accessible appointments

Secure and confidential video consultation

Prescriptions issued and delivered to your door at no extra cost

No more waiting

We let you know when your prescription has been issued, and as soon as it’s out for delivery.

New Medicine Service

Need help getting used to your new medicine? If you’ve been prescribed a new medicine that’s eligible for this service, we'll invite you to book a phone call or online chat with our pharmacist at a time that suits you. This gives you the chance to ask any questions or talk through any worries you may have about your medication. Our aim is to offer peace of mind.

After your initial appointment, we’ll book in 2-3 follow-up calls to see how you’re getting on and make sure you’re ok.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I pay for the Pharmacy First Scheme?
A consultation with one of our pharmacists is completely free. If you’re prescribed any medication, standard NHS charges apply. But if you have an NHS exemption, you won’t have to pay a penny.
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